Cekodok Pisang, or Mashed Banana Fritters

I decided to make these delicious Malaysian tea time snacks one morning. We had some old, mushy, brown bananas and they were the perfect ingredient! I had earlier done a little online research, looking for recipes for bananas, since they can be found relatively cheap here in Utila and had come up with this simple recipe. I had  never made Cekodok Pisang before but they were easy and delicious. We even toyed around with the idea of selling them here in the streets but let’s start by taking one step at time. I will definitely make these yummy bites again but perhaps add a hint of cinnamon next time.

Here’s the recipe for anyone with a surplus of over-ripe or ugly-looking bananas.

4 very ripe bananas (the uglier the better since they are easier to mash-up properly)
half a teaspoonful of salt
sugar to taste (optional)
half a teaspoonful of baking powder
one and a half cups of flour
oil for frying

1. Smash up the bananas until a paste is formed.
2. Add in all the other ingredients and mix well. If the mixture is too watery, add more flour. If it is too hard, add more water.
3. In heated oil, fry spoonfuls of banana mixture until dark brown. Repeat until mixture is finished.

There it is. Nice and simple. Enjoy trying your hand at making these easy tea time bites. Again this photo of the finished products doesn’t do them much justice. They tasted great though!

My first attempt at making Cekodok Pisang. The finished product.

My first attempt at making Cekodok Pisang. The finished product.

An update: We DID go out on the street and these sweet bites sold like hot cakes to hungry divers hanging around the dive shops. In fact, it all happened so fast, i didn’t have the chance to take any photos of us in the street. The locals also bought some but said that they also make a similar kid of fried dessert here on the island. The guy downstairs, our first customer said he may order some from us to take out diving, and we will be making more this evening to bring to a farewell barbecue for sampling to other friends working in the diving industry here.

Who knows where this will lead?

We recycled an old egg tray to hold the fritters for selling in the street. We also made samples for people to try.

We recycled an old egg tray to hold the fritters (which look so much better now) for selling in the street. We also made samples for people to try.

About anitasan

Follow us on Instagram, timeless_travelers 5 years ago i quit my old life to start a new one. Rick, my husband, and i, rented out our house in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, got rid of most of our debts, and together we embarked on a journey. Previously we lived conventional lives, working long hours, earning a salary and spending it in the cycle. We had security but we were tired of time just passing us by. We decided to cut down on our living expenses to the very basic, and travel the world, living on the road. Along the way, we eventually sold our house and are now debt-free. It seems a lifetime away since we started this unplanned life of the unknown, but so far it has been an invaluable learning experience for both Rick and i. Not only have we spent almost all our time together (and enjoyed it's accompanying ups and downs), we have also been able to savor each moment, instead of letting it pass us by. Life is good. So join us as we travel the world, visit new places, meet new (and 'old') people and enjoy new experiences every day. View all posts by anitasan

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